
Hurricane Julia in San Andres and Providencia

  Satellite image of the hurricane . Hurricane Julia passed through San Andres and Providedencia on October 8, leaving damage from the rains and storms . The passage of this hurricane left floods where the people who inhabit these islands were affected. Authorities issued recommendations and announced preventive closure of airports. the authorities recommended not to leave at home, so they decreed a curfew on Saturday, October 8 until noon on Sunday.  Also the flights to the two islands were suspended, so people who were going to travel to the islands were recommended to contact their airlines to reschedule

My worst sickness

CHIKUNGUNYA A few years ago, in December chikungunya diasease was very common among people. My brother got chikungunya in December, but i wasn't aware of what it was and decided to sleep with him, so i woke up feeling really bad, i woke up whit nauseous, i had pain in all my body, short of breath, fever and other symptoms. I was sick for a long time but my dad decided to make me a bath with plants, that bath took away all my symptoms in a few days.



Coversation whit Questions Tags

X: Hi, the bus is late, isn't it? Z: Yes, is it, I have been waiting for a long time. X: Me too. Z: Are you a worker at Simon Bolivar University, aren't you? X: Yes, why? Z: I also work there. X: Oh, cool. Z: What is your name? X: I am Camilo, nice to meet you. Z: Nice to meet you Camilo, my name is Lucia.

Tag Questions Matilda movie.

1) They weren't very nice people, were they? R/= No, they weren´t nice people 2) They named her Matilda, didn't they? R/= Yes, they did it 3) She developed a sense of style, didn't she?  R/= Yes, she did 4) The books helped her, didn't they?  R/= Yes, they did it 5) She didn't do it, did she?  R/= Yes, she did 6) Any school is better than no school, isn't it?  R/= Yes, it is 7) You won't go back in that house, will you?  R/= No, i wont

It's me

It´s me I am Camilo Torres Mercado, I am 17 years old, I am from Barranquilla and I also live here in Barranquilla. I am studying medicine and I am in the second semester. I did leveling to be at this level What I like to do the most is play with my pets. I have 4 pets, my dog Dulce is a husky, Polo and Bella are the children of dulce, and my cat Reina.  I go to the gym, it's what I do when I'm not studying or something, I also play guitar sometimes.